Friday, September 13, 2013

Pros and Cons of Technology in Realtionships

Does technology help or hurt our relationships? I mean if you really think about it, i don't think people use technology to its advantages. Yes skyping or facetiming a loved one who is far away is a great idea and it is an amazing way to stay in touch. But what about texting? And what are the expectations nowadays for texting? Are we automatically supposed to text our bf/gf as soon as we're not with them? Or are we supposed to say "Oh well i just saw him/her yesterday morning, i don't need to text him/her." But the thing is no one does that. I try to do that as much as i can, but i just can't. I think that texting and social media in general just hurt relationships severally. Girls get mad if their boyfriends like certain girls pictures, and not their pictures. And guys get mad about those things too. Girls get mad if they don't get a good morning text, but really is that something to be mad about? So what that your boyfriend didn't wake up and immediately text you and say "Goodmorning Beautiful :)" It doesn't mean that he doesn't like you any less. And it certainly isn't something to be mad about. Also all that crap saying "Well if he didn't text me as soon as he wakes up then that means that he wasn't thinking about me when he woke up" yeah that isn't true. Maybe when he woke up he was starving, and he got a bowl of cereal. Did you ever consider that girls? Also news flash ladies, guys aren't as glued to their phones as you are. They don't always have their phone stuck to their hip. Adding to the topic of guys not being glued to their phone is texting back. Should girls draw conclusions to why their boyfriends didn't text them back within a desired time? No they should not. Just because a guy didn't text you back in 20 minutes or something like that doesn't mean that he is ignoring you by any means. Even if he didn't text you back in an hour it still doesn't automatically mean that he is ignoring you, or that he doesn't want to talk to you. Again, guys aren't glued to their phones, and sometimes they just leave their phones some where and get distracted and go do something else. Oh my goodness! NO WAY! They actually leave their phones somewhere?!?! How bizarre. Actually its not that weird, its quite normal. Its alright to text your guy a question mark after about an hour or so without him replying to your text. And if he doesn't text back to your question mark, then obviously he's busy. That's right, B-U-S-Y. Not hooking up with some other girl, or cheating on you or something. Now, if  you see your friend post a picture on Instagram or something, and he likes it during the time he hasn't texted back, well thats a different story. But then again, maybe he just got back to his phone, and he went on insta real quick before he was going to text you back. Its all a vigorous game. Of "Why didn't you text me?" or "How dare you like Christine's picture and not mine!" But in the end, does it really matter? Do you really care that he liked your picture and not yours, but in that same day who did he kiss goodbye? You or Christine? Yeah, that's what i thought. I think that girls get way to concerned about the cellar part of a relationship. Now, technology isn't always bad, it has its up sides too. For instance, if you haven't saw your bf/gf in awhile, its always nice just to post something saying "Missing my babe" or something. Or if you know your partner is having a bad day, you can always just text them and say "Hope you have a good day!" or "Keep your head up baby the day is almost over!" And, there is always skype, as i said in the beginning. Which can help a lot. Just hearing and seeing them after awhile of not seeing them can just make your day better in literally two seconds. Just remember, relationships should be about trust, and if you can't trust who you're with, then it simply won't work out.