Monday, March 31, 2014


I know I've written about this before, but i felt the need to write about it again. So, get over it. I think one of the best things you can do for yourself as a person is stay true to who you are. Whoever that may be, or whatever that may include. Whether you are mean, nice, caring, or even a bit silly, as long as you are you that is really all that matters at the end of the day. I think people are afraid of this type of image they will create for themselves. If you feel as if you're hiding behind a shell, then break out! No one is going to hit you just because you act a little different. Also, the best thing about being yourself is that people won't like you for someone that you aren't. They'll see the real you, and love you for that simple reason. Experimenting with yourself, will only get you closer to knowing the real person you are behind all the physical traits. And in life, that's one of the biggest obstacles to face. But, from my past experiences, i would rather have someone stare at me because i'm being myself, than look at me and smile because i'm trying to be someone else. It's taken me awhile to reach this part in my life, but i do have to say it feels pretty dang good. And i'm looking forward to see who the real Bridget is, and i hope you can have fun on your journey to seeing who the real you is as well.