Tuesday, April 22, 2014

How being a teenager is (so far)

Life's not to bad you know? Being a teenager is stressful, and for sure has it's ups and down but i don't think i have to much to complain. Besides endless nights of homework, never ending tests, friendships lost, and of course those stupid BOYS. Okay, whenever i day boys are stupid, i don't really mean it. I just mean that they have caused great troubles in my life, and to me i find them quite annoying sometimes. In no way do i mean that they are actually stupid, even though some are, but then again some girls are stupid too. Anyways, being a teen is defiantly one of the best times i have ever had in my life. Granted i'm a freshman in high school and most people tell me that all this enthusiasm will be long gone by senior year. I am a very enthusiastic person if i do say so myself, and i hope by senior year high school hasn't dried me out too much. I hope high school doesn't ring me out like a soggy towel and leave me to hang completely dry. I get told so many times in one week that'll i'll stop feeling these feelings of enthusiasm and excitement. That really saddens me, because i hope by my senior year i can walk in with a huge smile on my face and be ready to tackle my last year of high school. Besides this, high school sure has taught me a lot in the past 7 1/2 months. It taught me to take pride in what i do, and do everything purposefully. It taught me to jump out of my comfort zone, and to just be me, because in the end if you're yourself then you come one more step closer to knowing yourself and creating yourself. High school has taught me that image is everything, that if you screw up your image, you're basically done for. Well, not exactly. It shouldn't be that way, that your past reflects on your future, but it some cases there really is no way to avoid it. That brings me to my next point, which is that people deserve the same respect you do. When i was in kindergarten, we had a golden rule which was "Treat everyone the way you should be treated." Now, i'm not perfect when it comes to following through with this rule but i try my best, i really do. That rule has always made a big impact on my life, all the way until now while i'm in high school. Onto my next topic, now if you were to ask 5 students about how they liked high school, i bet you that 3 out of 5 of them would tell you that they hate it. Why is that? What is so wrong with high school? Yes there is drama, sports, peer pressure, school work, and other extra curricular's but i think teens these days just need to learn how to make the best out of it all and look at the good of it. Now i understand that's very hard hard for people, but i hope that what i have to say next can help them warm up to the thought. High school comes with a lot of challenges, and it leads teens to make hundreds upon thousands of decisions. Even though this happens everywhere, wouldn't you rather worry about studying for a math test than how you're going to pay your rent for the month?As teens we aren't adults yet, and we don't have to worry about adult type decisions just yet. Now, that doesn't mean you can be stupid about everything you do, but just appreciate the fact that the decisions you are making now, aren't on such a large scale as they are in adulthood. Also, remember that going to school is a PRIVILEGE.That being educated, is something you shouldn't take for granted and you should be happy you don't walk around like a dumb zombie. This is getting rather lengthy and i think i am going to just leave this post by saying Freshman year has been a blast, and i cannot wait to see hat Sophomore year brings.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Testing the limits

How does one know when they've been pushed too far? How does one know when to stop caring, or to stop worrying? To just stop trying in general...

These questions have raced through my mind a lot in these past few months. It's really hard for me to stop trying, because i'm not one to just give up on things. I feel like, if you really haven't gotten any responses from someone in awhile, then they aren't worth your time. There has to be an equal amount of chasing. And by chasing i mean an equal amount of wanting the other person. Which could be as simple as someone texting first one day, and the next day the other person texting first. Where the problems usually occur are when one person is the only one chasing. I find myself being that person a lot, but when i think about it, the time will come when someone is chasing for me just as much as i am chasing for them. I'm in no rush to find that someone, because it all happens naturally. Besides, the best comes to those who wait. So, ill wait.