Wednesday, January 18, 2017

305. Have you ever used peer pressure to convince someone to convince someone to participate in a questionable activity?

Hello! I apologize for my lack of blogging, however I haven't had enough motivation within these past couple of months to type a single thing. I contemplated every somewhat creative idea that crossed my mind, and I just decided no, no, no.

I was gifted an amazing book for my birthday, which is titled "365 Journal Writing Prompts to Inspire Creativity and Personal Growth", by Austin Greyson. This book is exactly what I've needed, especially during this creativity drought of mine. Huge shout out to Jeffery Holloway and Abbeylin Bland for this phenomenal gift!

I decided, I'd create a series on my blog of me reacting to the prompts in the book. I'm going to title the blog posts according to the prompt I'm writing on. I'm not going to start with the first one and go along in numerical order either. I'm going to randomly pick one each time I feel the need to write. Alright, I'll stop babbling now, and carry on with the post. Enjoy! : )

At a first glance, this is one of those loaded questions that I myself have to read aloud in order to understand completely. I'm an auditory learner and it helps, okay? Don't feel ashamed if you do it to!

Anyways, yes I'll admit that I have used peer pressure to convince someone to convince someone else to participate in a questionable activity. I think most of this generated from my pre-teen awkward stages of middle school. You know, everyone is trying their best to be unique but, just like everyone else all at the same time. It's a genius concept.

Other than that, I'm sort of stumped. I feel like I've only flirted with the idea of peer pressure...I've never been the type to fall for it, because I think it's stupid. I've always been a free spirit type person, like a "think what you want and do what you want" type. Therefor, this prompt isn't that easy for me to elaborate on.

In no way shape or form am I saying I'm perfect either. I know I've done this, I just can't recall a specific time or story that correlates to it. I know I'm guilty of it, I just can't pinpoint when. Well, that's all I have for today's post. Sorry if that was bland, but you know sometimes its just has to be that way. There has to be this balance of bland and flavor, sort of like cooking. Today is just a bland post kind of day.
