Monday, March 27, 2017

Northwest Indiana

He was the first customer of the day, and seemed rather cheerful. Most people I know would find that annoying, however I’m pretty energetic in the morning, therefore I appreciated his energy.

It was about 7:20 when he came in, and he sat at the counter with a smile as a response to my, “Good morning! How are you?”

As I dropped off his coffee and water, he started explaining to me how he’s not from the area and he’d been driving past the restaurant for the past two days and decided he’d stop in because he loves mom and pops’ shops.

Right off the bat, I knew he’d be one of those customers whose stories I needed to put to paper. He was older, about mid-fifties. Glasses, slim, and stood about six foot tall.

Before I even hung up his ticket to place his order, I learned that his son had just moved in down the street, and was a fresh college grad. He landed a job at GM, which according to his dad, “he’s had since before he finished school.”

He ordered your standard American breakfast, two eggs over easy, bacon, hash browns, and white toast.

I started asking questions, which for me isn’t anything unusual. I asked him about where he was from, where his son went to school, what his impressions of Waterford were.

He was from northwest Indiana about 30-40 miles out of Chicago. His son graduated from Purdue, and so far he liked Waterford. He mentioned that his son rented a house out in Clawson for the past couple months, and he found the community there cute and close knit.

However the commute was too much for his son, and he wanted to work toward owning a house. Or at least, that’s what I think he said…

We continued to talk as he ate, which I was 100 percent content with especially since that meant I didn’t have to clean.

I talked up the coney A LOT. I told him about how all of our regulars are like family. It was the typical speech I give to people when they tell me they’re first-timers. I start with all the service guys we have on hand, one in particular because he plows our parking lot, mows the grass and even weedwacks in the summer.

From there I moved on to say that I got my most recent dog from a regular, which I will be forever grateful for.

The guy seemed amazed by what I had to say about what he called the “little hole in the wall of Waterford.” I was happy that he had such a positive response to a place that’s been almost like a second home to me for the past two years.

When our conversation died down,  the guy shouted across the counter to the back window, “Hey man, great food! Seriously this is really good!”

“Hey thanks, no problem man I’m glad you liked it!” Donnie, one of our regular cooks responded with a smile and a wave of his hand.

He then asked, “Hey, so what are your names?”

“I’m Bridget,” I said while folding both of my hands in towards my chest, “and that’s Donnie back there,” I said as I pointed behind me.

“Well it was very nice to meet you two, I’m really happy I made a U-turn and came in here instead of going to McDonalds.”

“Aw, well thank you! I’m happy you came in too, it’s been really nice talking to you. And what’s your name?” I replied.

“Oh yeah,” he chuckled. “I’m Brian!”

From there, we talked about how I go to the high school down the street, and I plan on going to Chicago for college next year.
He told me he was a UPS driver, and worked early mornings that led to late nights since most of his drives revolved around the Chi-Town area. Yet another bonus. An energetic customer before 8 o’clock, and one who’s familiar with Chicago, I wasn’t complaining the slightest even if my stomach was rumbling a tad.

Somehow we got talking about unions, and the lack of interest in the trades field nowadays. We talked about how it seems like everyone needs to go drown themselves in debt in order to make it somewhere in life.

We talked about the pressure kids face when choosing a college, and how unfortunate that trades jobs aren’t as reliable as they once were.

Before he left, I gave him a coffee to take with him, and I joked that if his son came in without him, I’d give him a rough time.

I told him I’d say, “Hey, I know of this guys dad that just came in. I think they grew up in Northwest Indiana? About 40 minutes from Chicago I believe. Oh! And his son graduated from Purdue and now has a job at GM?”

Brian died at the thought of this, not literally of course but instead rather hysterically.

Before he left, he looked at me and said, “You know, you can really tell your parents did a nice job raising you, you’re a very kind girl.”

That’s easily the nicest thing I think any ‘stranger’ has ever said to me. And it made my heart really warm and fuzzy inside, which is the reason why I’ll never stop writing stories like these.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

305. Have you ever used peer pressure to convince someone to convince someone to participate in a questionable activity?

Hello! I apologize for my lack of blogging, however I haven't had enough motivation within these past couple of months to type a single thing. I contemplated every somewhat creative idea that crossed my mind, and I just decided no, no, no.

I was gifted an amazing book for my birthday, which is titled "365 Journal Writing Prompts to Inspire Creativity and Personal Growth", by Austin Greyson. This book is exactly what I've needed, especially during this creativity drought of mine. Huge shout out to Jeffery Holloway and Abbeylin Bland for this phenomenal gift!

I decided, I'd create a series on my blog of me reacting to the prompts in the book. I'm going to title the blog posts according to the prompt I'm writing on. I'm not going to start with the first one and go along in numerical order either. I'm going to randomly pick one each time I feel the need to write. Alright, I'll stop babbling now, and carry on with the post. Enjoy! : )

At a first glance, this is one of those loaded questions that I myself have to read aloud in order to understand completely. I'm an auditory learner and it helps, okay? Don't feel ashamed if you do it to!

Anyways, yes I'll admit that I have used peer pressure to convince someone to convince someone else to participate in a questionable activity. I think most of this generated from my pre-teen awkward stages of middle school. You know, everyone is trying their best to be unique but, just like everyone else all at the same time. It's a genius concept.

Other than that, I'm sort of stumped. I feel like I've only flirted with the idea of peer pressure...I've never been the type to fall for it, because I think it's stupid. I've always been a free spirit type person, like a "think what you want and do what you want" type. Therefor, this prompt isn't that easy for me to elaborate on.

In no way shape or form am I saying I'm perfect either. I know I've done this, I just can't recall a specific time or story that correlates to it. I know I'm guilty of it, I just can't pinpoint when. Well, that's all I have for today's post. Sorry if that was bland, but you know sometimes its just has to be that way. There has to be this balance of bland and flavor, sort of like cooking. Today is just a bland post kind of day.


Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Throughout my junior year, I've pondered many times about what I want to pursue after high school and the ways in which I'll be doing so. I mean c'mon now, haven't we all had that moment where we say to ourselves "Man, what am I going to be doing for the rest of my life?"
With this being said, I wanted to tell a story about a boy I met in the waiting room of my therapy office today.
He was tall, and I could tell he was older than me. When he signed in with the receptionist he was in complete joy. "So, today was my final day of highschool, I did it," the boy said. "Well hey way to go!" the receptionist replied. After them chatting about his current situation, I couldn't help but be curious. I wondered "What are his plans after high school? What does he like to do? Where will he potentially go to college?"
People's stories interest me; contrary to the Detroit Free Press I had in my hand, so I decided to talk to him instead. Whenever I get a chance to talk to new people, I take it. In my opinion we can't learn something new everyday if we aren't willing to try.
He sat down in front of me, and seemed shy at first. After about a minute or so I put my paper down and said "Hey, so your last day of high school was today? Very cool." He responded with, "Yeah it was, was yours too?" After I told him no, and that I was only a junior, he said, "Ah okay, well don't worry your time will come!"
To my surprise this boy I was chatting with is graduating from Mott on Sunday, however I didn't get a chance to know his name. Although, I did ask him about his plans after high school, and as he was describing them to me his shoulders dropped, his head hung lower, and he had a harder time maintaining eye contact with me.
He described to me that after high school he planned on working for a couple years to potentially save money for community college. He also explained how he wanted to go into electrician work, since he worked well with his hands and the majority of his family worked in the industry do he'd be able to land a good job. He said the money he'd raise from working for a couple of years would go to the school-based-training he'd be required to go through in order to be an electrician.
This was interesting to me, and I told him that it sounded like a cool plan. However, just by his body language alone I knew that being an electrician wasn't exactly what he dreamed of doing one day.
The dynamic of the conversation changed when I asked, "Well, if there were no restrictions on money or grades, what would your dream job be?"
Trying to keep calm, he replied with, "Well I've always wanted to be a philosopher."
His answer just about blew me out of the water. A philosopher he said. Honestly, when was the last time someone gave you that answer? For me, this was a first.
Now that I knew the what, I needed to know the why. So, I asked him. He responded with something along the lines of, "I believe that I have a lot of important and different beliefs. Society is pretty messed up- wait no, scratch that, society IS messed up. I want to explain to people my beliefs as to why society is so wrong."

It saddens me to know that America, and quite frankly the world, isn't fully equip for all of us to pursue our dreams and utter most passions within our lifetimes. It breaks my heart to hear stories like these, because who knows, maybe this boy could be one of the best future philosophers- maybe he'd even be featured in our great grandchildren's textbooks.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

No Shave November: Day 7 (aka one week anniversary)

It has officially been an entire week since I last shaved my armpit hair.

I don't remember the last time that this situation has happened in my life. To be frank, I don't believe it ever has happened. Back when I was shaving, it would either be daily, or every other day. And the longest period I had ever went without shaving was somewhere around the timeline of about four days max. MAX. Basically, my mindset on the topic was strict to a shaving schedule. Anything after 4 days in my mind seemed barbaric. However, I'm FAR from that mindset now.

I've noticed that most of the short sleeve t-shirts I wear, barely, if at all any, show my armpit hair. I mean this might be because my hair isn't too long yet, but in the past I don't know why I was so concerned on whether or not I had shaved.

My wardrobe consists of simple, scoop/crew neck short sleeves, and out of the majority of them that I own, my hair underneath my arms doesn't even peek through. I used to be that person that would wake up late, skip a shower, throw a t-shirt on, and simply wet my razor just to quickly swipe underneath my arms. Looking back at it, I can only IMAGINE how horrible that was for both my skin, and the hair follicles under my arm.

Once again, I apologize for my lack of posting last night (and I also apologize that today's post is so late, and is technically "Day 8"s post). Let's be real here though. I'm human, you're human, and we make mistakes, and aren't always on our A game. Last night I fell asleep on the couch, and then it was past midnight so I called it a night and went to bed. Which I find absolutely fine. Would you guys rather have me post daily with barely anything to say about my day, or skip a few days here and there, so I can a) live my life and b) provide you with better content?

That was a trick question, and the answer is clear; I'm human, and I will post when I feel it benefits you, the reader, the most. I believe this is a fair, and logical change to my No Shave November series, and as of now, these conditions comply to future posts.

Thank you guys so much for all your kind words, love, and support! Here are today's (tonight's?) photos:

Thursday, November 5, 2015

No Shave November: Day 5


As far as today went, I continued to receive extremely positive comments from peers in regard to this social experiment. Let me just say I appreciate all that is said, and I'm over joyed with how widely accepted this challenge I'm putting myself through is.

The sweating is still a problem. I do officially now believe the hair plays a large roll in it. 

Unfortunately I don't have any nifty stories to share, or current experiences I've faced today. Although, I can say that the hair is starting to get a little itchy, and I'm not going to lie to you about that one.

Thank you for reading today's small post, and here are the photos of the day:

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

No Shave November: Day 4


I received many comments about this, in person, and over the phone. Even if I were to have post yesterday, I'm just warning you now it would've been boring. I didn't have much social interaction since we had the day off from school, and the hair growth wasn't tremendously different from Day 2.

However, today I noticed that the hair growth is in full swing. Is it weird that a certain part of me feels like that awkward preteen boy who had one armpit hair but now has like a solid 10? It is now 100% noticeable that I am growing hair under my armpit, and for some reason that just causes me great pleasure.

I did not receive any comments from peers or strangers today on my armpits, and I don't believe that scenario will happen for awhile due to the fact that there's not really THAT much hair under there.

One aspect of today that I did want to point out is that I felt like I was excessively sweating underneath my arms. Yes, I had visible pit stains, and no, I was not ashamed of them, nor will I ever be. It's not my fault that that is one of the natural ways my body gets rid of water; and it's not as if I am going to go out and tailor my clothing around my pit stains. That is absolutely absurd. My argument is, that if you use deodorant, you don't smell bad, and you have pit stains on your shirt, then why should you be embarrassed? As long as you don't smell bad, you're golden in my book.

I am curious though, if there is a correlation between me having more armpit hair, and my naturally excessive sweating getting worse. From my research, I have found that when you shave your armpit hairs, you give the bacteria that sweat gives off (the odor as well) less area to breed or multiply. Also, by shaving, you are increasing your effectiveness of your deodorant. Although, I don't know how much this pertains to me, because before when I was shaving about every other day, I still had pools of sweat underneath my arms. I guess it's sort of a loose-loose situation for me.

As far as today's photos go I decided to change it up. I have an individual photo of each armpit, and them the standard one I've been posting of the two armpits in one picture.

Hope you enjoyed today's post, and I better see you back tomorrow! :)

Monday, November 2, 2015

No Shave November: Day 2

Hello everyone!

There's not much I can say about today. For the most part, I received numerous positive comments about my post yesterday. Which is greatly appreciated.

I was also faced with one main question of the day which was, "Are you really doing it for the whole month?" And to answer their question, and any confusion, yes I am not shaving my body hair for the entire month of November.

With that being said, here is my picture for today. Hair is starting to stubble, but it is barely noticeable