Monday, August 19, 2013


Yesterday i went and saw the movie Jobs. Even though i sat throughout the whole movie being as confused as i could possibly be, i did learn a few things from the film. I had no idea how determined and ambitious of a person Steve Jobs was. Steve challenged everyone in his life, and displayed great examples of how to truly step out of the box. Now a days i honestly think that people are afraid to step out of their comfort zone, or to think about things that are unimaginable. The thing i loved best about the film was that throughout the whole movie Steve's goal was the same; to make devices simple for all ages, and to have his products simply enhance a persons personality. Watching this movie just inspires me to want to use even more Apple products. Steve Jobs left a good impression of who he was when he left this earth. At least i think he did. Steve Jobs has inspired me to never stop believing in what i want to do, and to not let people get in the way of what i want to do.

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