Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Needs are not always wanted; but that's why they're a need

Some people come into your life for reason, and other for just a season. That's my motto anyway. I mean doesn't it make sense? I believe the reason aspect of the metaphor refers to the people who stay in your life the longest. These people imprint your life in a certain way and you just couldn't picture an image of your world without them in it. They're the type of people who care for you, support you, and only want the best for you. As for the season reference; It says that certain people only need to be in your life for a short while. Wether this short while be a week, a month, or even a few days, these people won't be there for forever. They're in your life for one reason; that reason being that they're there to teach you a lesson. Or even more than one lesson. Niether of you know this when you first meet each other, everything is peachy keen You've just met a new friend, you might even share commen intrests, and things are really starting to hit it off. They don't seem like a bad seed, but they are placed in your life for a reason. They're there for you to challenge yourself, take some risks, and maybe even break your heart . These types of people are the ones that keep you up at night asking yourself stupid questions you already know the answers too. They make you think, and they make you stronger. These people are needed in your life, even though most of the time they give you the most trouble. Even though they might  not stick around for long, just imagine what life would be like if you've never experienced something tragic; there would be no growth.

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