Saturday, July 19, 2014

A Painless World Would be Pretty Painful

Falling down as a child was never fun, but it was significant. Without the pain of the scrape on your knee, you would have never known not to take a sharp turn on your bike down a winding hill. Almost all of us were stubborn kids at one point; which includes being told not to do something, but doing it anyways. Heck why not do it? It was funny to see mom mad. Aside from that, I can relate a scrape on the knee, to the scrape of a heart (not literally of course, c'mon people it's metaphor talk). I have endured many painful experiences within my 15 years on this plant. And I am grateful for each and every one of them. Even though some of them left huge scars on my knees...other than that, they have all helped shape me into the Bridget I am today. Heartbreak was one of my earliest painful experiences. Without it, I wouldn't know how to love like I do now. I wouldn't understand how to cherish the things I love, and not take them for granted. Without loss, I would've never knew what to do once I gained something amazing. Pain has taught me how to ask the right types of questions. When I have a problem going on, I don't want people to tell me how to fix it, therefor I don't say "Tell me how to solve my problem." The key word I want you to pull out of that sentence was 'MY'. It's my problem, why should I have someone else tell me how to fix it? They only know the parts of the problem I told them about, they most likely don't know the whole story. As we grow older, we begin realizing that no answers will just be handed to you, accompanied by a smooth solution. The only time that will legitimately happen is when you're stuck on a math problem, and you ask the smartest kid in class for the answer. As humans we understand that our problems are our own, and so, we must ask questions that benefit ourselves. Questions that will help you achieve YOUR solution. We need to learn how to find out the answers to our questions, rather then being told the "answers" upfront. I hope this little entry helped you think about pain a bit deeper, and a bit differently. If you really think about it, a world without pain, would actually be a pretty painful world.

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