Friday, May 31, 2013

Is this just me?

I have recently discovered a page on twitter that's all about Capricorns. And by reading the posts I've figured out that almost every thing they say on there describes me to a T. I've came to realization that i am a very caring and forgiving person. And i cant stay mad at someone forever.That's where my problem occurs. I have been having a lot of fights and arguments with friends. SO after awhile of all the fighting and blaming i was tired and DONE. So that's what i said to them; i said that i could not take it anymore and that they were no longer my friends. I feel like in a way that was the right thing to do, but in the same respect, what kind of a person am i for doing such a thing? I mean now that i think about it, that was kind rude....Maybe i'm just jumping conclusions and my forgiveness if starting to kick in, or maybe i'm right? If you don't know, (which you probably don't) i am the type of person who talks to everyone in the school. I don't leave anyone out. And now that i'm not friends with these two people, i don't talk to them. This feels so out of my nature and i feel so rude. Because i talk to everyone and i don't talk to them. Which isn't fair! I mean I'm so hypocritical aren't i? Maybe its a good thing that i don't talk to them over all though?... I honestly have no idea. My mind is just so messed up right now. And i feel as if they were really good friends they should have came to me already and begged for me back. Now that i say that i feel like that is a really high expectation that no one is going to meet. That was another thing that, that twitter account mentioned. It said that Capricorns set really high expectations for themselves and other people. Is that a good thing or a bad thing though? I dont know...

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