Friday, June 28, 2013

Nobody can help me.

Whenever i am in a bad mood, it just seems like no one can help me and i can only help others. I guess when i'm mad or depressed i just expect people to give me all that i give them and i never get that in return. Or maybe i do get it, but i just don't feel like the person who is helping me is giving 110% to make me feel better. Maybe it is because when i help people i put them before my own self? I'm not really sure. But i just hate how no matter what someone says to me, it does not change my mood. I usually just lay my head down at night, fall asleep and feel better in the morning.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Relationships .

Girls, and guys nowadays honestly don't know how relationships work. I wish that I could just have a boyfriend so that I could be like an example to everyone else of how relationships should work. Even though I've never really been heartbroken, or loved, I've seen it and I've grasped pretty well of how things work. Girls now believe that they have to know every last detail about what their guy is doing and who he's talking to. I think that's a little to far. Guys need privacy, and heck girls shouldn't be so worried about what they're doing. It's just texting honestly. What are people going to do over text that is going to drastically change your relationship? And girls really do need to lighten up. They need to learn how to trust their boyfriends and know that their boyfriends chose them for a reason, and if he's talking to other girls then they're just friends. I honestly hate seeing people in relationships when they don't even know the basics of dating. Study up girls and boys! Or else all your relationships will crumble, no matter who you're with. 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Silence Can be the Best

Today i found myself silenced while i heard my friends talk about some things. In many cases i find myself silenced because i usually can't relate to what my friends are saying. So whats the point in opening my mouth to share my opinion then? Well i mean, there probably is a point in opening my mouth, but i just don't feel the need too. It's just so much effort. It takes a lot of effort to explain to my friends why i disagree with them. I often find myself being the odd one out, a lot. It's because i'm to mature. Which has it's ups and downs, but the majority of the time its hard to be more mature then everyone. And i am not the type of person that is going to "dumb" myself down to be able to join in a conversation and sound like everyone else. No for me it doesn't happen that way. Lately when i hear my friends talking about something that i just have very strong feelings and opinions about i just shut up. Because in all honestly i don't like explaining to them how i feel about their immature situation, and i don't like being looked at weird, or getting the nasty eye. So i just keep to myself and i have found that saves a lot of time and energy. Sometimes, silence is the answer, but only as long as you have a good reason to be silent. Because if you don't then you mise well just talk anyway.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

One of the Most Popular Topics in Histoty

Yes here i am, about to talk about the gays, bisexuals, the same sex marriage and the "fags". This has always been a hot topic, and for many years i have been on the fence about it. First lets describe the arguments. There is the thought that gay marriage or same sex love is wrong, and should not be legalized in the United States because back in the old days only Men and Women got married. And that if Gay marriage was legalized, they wouldn't have the same rights as straight people being married. Okay this is where my opinion is going to pop in here.i may not know everything, but i have a good grasp of whats going on. But, why wouldn't gay people be able to have the same rights as straight people? I can just not wrap this thought around my head! Whats the difference if its a guy and a guy or a girl and a girl? WE are ALL PEOPLE and we ALL deserve rights that are equal and fair. Why would being a guy married to a guy or a girl married to a girl have to do with what the NATIONAL government is going to give to you? They have no room to be judgmental about such thing! Seriously though, just because someone is happy and someone is in love with someone of the same sex, doesn't mean that you can't grant them the same things as a normal married couple! Anyways, on to a different branch of this topic. Now, i want to talk about just people who like the same sex in general. Two men, (or women) love each other and are beyond happy being around each other. How can you not smile at that fact to realize that people are happy!Now, seeing this beautiful couple happy, people instantly put them down. With the rudest of rude comments. Even if you don't support it, could you at least just respect them? And just walk on by and get ON with your life? My mother always taught me that even if you don't agree with someone or what someone says, doesn't mean that you're allowed to put them down, or make them feel bad. And i feel like that is one of the biggest problems with this topic. I mean even with this argument that i have, i'm not saying that people who don't believe in same sex love are stupid, because they are entitled to their opinion just as much as i am to mine. The point of this is to voice my opinion that's it. Anyways, i just think that same sex love hurts no one and only makes the people who are involved in it happy. Same sex love isn't some charity that is looking for awareness.I believe that it is as normal as a boy and a girl getting married. If you really think about it, the only difference is that it is two people whom are of the same sex, getting married, or loving each other. And who are you to judge someone on their happiness? They aren't hurting you, or messing with you, so why should it matter what they do? It irritates me so much to see how hurt or scared people who like the same sex can be. I don't think that's right! If i were to be in love with a girl, i don't believe i should be scared in order to tell my family or friends. Society has made same sex love into something that it shouldn't be. Society and the environment people are around has made it so that kids are afraid to "come out of the closet". I think that people are born knowing what they like, and sometimes they have to experiment what they like best. It''s like trying a new thing on the menu of a restaurant. In life you have to see what you like and what you don't. And for some people, they like the same sex. And that is OKAY.

Summer Livin☀

Long days filled with sunshine, laughter and fun right? Uh no. I think the stereotypes put on summer vacation are crazy! All those posts on twitter, with the girls looking like they're having the time of their life, well yeah guess what? It doesn't happen that way! It's not like summer vacation happens for everyone. Only students! And I don't know about anyone else, but my parents still have to work! So it's not like they can just drive me around to every friends house, or every lake, or every wave pool! I don't understand how some people have something to do EVERY DAY OF THE SUMMER. It really bottles my mind! How can you do something if your parents work? Or is that just it? Your parents don't work, so that would mean your broke, but then you manage to drive all over everywhere and do something everyday of the week? Alright that makes perfect sense. I don't know it just bugs me how when I ask my parents to do something I get the "Ugh I have to drive you again?" Or the "Ugh YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO SOMETHING EVERY SECOND JUST RELAX!" Like seriously does anyone else get that when they ask to do something or is it just me? Man I can't wait till I can have my own car. But I'm still going to enjoy being 14 cause you're only 14 once! And you have to make the best of that time. Anyway, that's my summer rant. There's probably going to be more. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I'm Ready

I think I'm ready to show people my blog. I have the self confidence to show people my thoughts, and you know what? If they don't like it, well then they can just leave. I don't need hate on my blog, but if I do get hate about my blog, I mean what I'm I supposed to say? "sorry that you don't like my posts, I'll change them." Actually no I'd never say that. I'm not willing to change for anyone. And I want my page to get more views. So if I have to take a chance at what's coming up in the future of what people think my blog is like. I'm willing to take the risk. It's not like I say specific names, or call out certain people. I would never do that. Without their permission of course. But I really think that I'm ready to show everyone my blog, and how I think. Here I go!

Goodbye Middle School

Middle school was a journey alright. It taught me a lot about people, school, and life! I didn't cry today when we got clapped out of the school, because i didn't feel like i needed too. I mean yes i'm going to miss middle school and a lot of people in it, but it's not like i'm, never gonna see these people again. We all live in the same town and we're probably all gonna see each other again. And if you're really good friends with me. I will make an effort to hangout with you. No doubt in my mind that i won't. Middle school is something everyone goes through in life and it is what you make of it. And i decided that i was going to be happy and positive for this next year in high school. Middle school has made me a stronger person and has made me realize whats important in my life and what i should spend less of my time on. Middle school taught me that sometimes you get hurt, but its how you rebound from that is what makes you a better person. I am so excited for High school and i am ready to be in High school, I'm ready to be involved in everything and get out there and be me! Gah i just can't wait.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Ready, Set...Go?

Am I ready for you in my life again? Did I consider all the possibilities? Do I want my life to be stuck in this rut again? Or am I going to make a difference and change this friendship this time around? I think so. I think this time around, I'm gonna start off slow. That doesn't mean we just hop back into our old routines. That means that we start off as not that close friends. All I know is that this time I'm not letting it get out if hand, and this time I'm going to hangout with who I want too. I'm my own person. You don't control me, and I'm not going to let you. I am Bridget Ann Ekis. And I am, an independent and strong Individual 

Street Smarts

If something isn't taught in a school book, or class, I instantly feel like I won't understand it. Like all the ghetto kids, half the time I don't understand anything they're saying. Or sometimes I don't get what my friends do, and it makes me mad. Maybe they don't have the same common sense level as me? Or does it just simply that we think differently? I have no idea and it really bothers me how sometimes I can't understand why someone does something. But I guess I don't really need to know. Do I? I don't think I do. But it's just nice sometimes 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Getting Somewhere.

I've realized I can't avoid you my whole life. I have to give people chances, maybe some more than others. I feel as if I'm one of those good people that sees the potential in others. I can't be mad at someone for forever either. So, here I go taking a leap of faith. I'm ready for a new start; a fresh piece of paper. One so fresh with no previous snags, or rips. And I'm ready to illustrate and beautiful painting out of this new piece of paper. Here I go (: 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

My Friends don't effect you.

I hate when people say "Well if I'm not friends with them, you can't be either." It's like no honey it doesn't work that way. I mean if you're really worried about loosing a friend who's telling you who you can and can't be friends with, well I'd honestly loose that friend. They aren't worth my time. I'm friends with who I want to be. No matter what they've done to my other friends. If you haven't done anything to me, I'll still be nice to you and give you my full respect. But then you have situations when a your close friend (let's use Molly as her name) gets hurt pretty bad by her ex boyfriend ( James lets say) does that mean I can't talk to James? I mean I might not like the things he's done to my friend Molly, but why would that have to affect James and I's relationship ? Molly has nothing to do, with what i say to James, or talk to James about. And it makes it even worse when Molly, is one of those kind of people that I talked about at the top of this post. So Buh bye Molly. You will not be missed. 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

It's not just me.

When you ask "Well what did I ever do to you?" I simply laugh. Can you really not see what you have been doing to me? Do you have a heart? Can you see out of your eyes? But the sad part is, that other people started to notice your actions. And that's why I can no longer be friends with you. Because I know my other friends with treat me 10x better than you and care about me more than you ever did. It wasn't just me who noticed, it was other people that cared about me, unlike you. 

Out with the old, and unfortunately in with the new.

The 'new' you; I hate that you. It's weird to see you act like this. I feel like I was the only structure in your life, and now that I'm gone your just free wiling everything. I feel as if no one else likes the new you either. Everyone misses when you were nice, or funny, or caring. And I hate to see how self centered you've become. That will not get you any where in life. You need to be nice to people. Have you ever heard of the word? Or were you to busy looking for a guy? You've changed so much and it's hard to describe. You are going down a terrible road right now, and I'm no longer going to help you when you get stuck in a ditch. I'd rather laugh when you hit a tree.