Wednesday, June 12, 2013

One of the Most Popular Topics in Histoty

Yes here i am, about to talk about the gays, bisexuals, the same sex marriage and the "fags". This has always been a hot topic, and for many years i have been on the fence about it. First lets describe the arguments. There is the thought that gay marriage or same sex love is wrong, and should not be legalized in the United States because back in the old days only Men and Women got married. And that if Gay marriage was legalized, they wouldn't have the same rights as straight people being married. Okay this is where my opinion is going to pop in here.i may not know everything, but i have a good grasp of whats going on. But, why wouldn't gay people be able to have the same rights as straight people? I can just not wrap this thought around my head! Whats the difference if its a guy and a guy or a girl and a girl? WE are ALL PEOPLE and we ALL deserve rights that are equal and fair. Why would being a guy married to a guy or a girl married to a girl have to do with what the NATIONAL government is going to give to you? They have no room to be judgmental about such thing! Seriously though, just because someone is happy and someone is in love with someone of the same sex, doesn't mean that you can't grant them the same things as a normal married couple! Anyways, on to a different branch of this topic. Now, i want to talk about just people who like the same sex in general. Two men, (or women) love each other and are beyond happy being around each other. How can you not smile at that fact to realize that people are happy!Now, seeing this beautiful couple happy, people instantly put them down. With the rudest of rude comments. Even if you don't support it, could you at least just respect them? And just walk on by and get ON with your life? My mother always taught me that even if you don't agree with someone or what someone says, doesn't mean that you're allowed to put them down, or make them feel bad. And i feel like that is one of the biggest problems with this topic. I mean even with this argument that i have, i'm not saying that people who don't believe in same sex love are stupid, because they are entitled to their opinion just as much as i am to mine. The point of this is to voice my opinion that's it. Anyways, i just think that same sex love hurts no one and only makes the people who are involved in it happy. Same sex love isn't some charity that is looking for awareness.I believe that it is as normal as a boy and a girl getting married. If you really think about it, the only difference is that it is two people whom are of the same sex, getting married, or loving each other. And who are you to judge someone on their happiness? They aren't hurting you, or messing with you, so why should it matter what they do? It irritates me so much to see how hurt or scared people who like the same sex can be. I don't think that's right! If i were to be in love with a girl, i don't believe i should be scared in order to tell my family or friends. Society has made same sex love into something that it shouldn't be. Society and the environment people are around has made it so that kids are afraid to "come out of the closet". I think that people are born knowing what they like, and sometimes they have to experiment what they like best. It''s like trying a new thing on the menu of a restaurant. In life you have to see what you like and what you don't. And for some people, they like the same sex. And that is OKAY.

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